Taxis from Bakewell

Taxi rates for taxis from Bakewell can be found below. Taxi rates for saloon cars (carrying up to 4 people) and minibus vehicles (carrying up to 8 people) are different. A surcharge is also charged for journeys out of normal working hours. For more details, please see below.

All rates quoted are indicative and may vary depending on specific pickup and/or drop-off location.

For locations not listed, or to get in touch for any other reason use the quick contact form below or call 01629 650025.

Taxi Rates from Bakewell

Destination Vehicle Rate 1 Rate 2 Rate 3
Darley Dale Car (Max 4 People) £15.30 £19.10 N/A
Tideswell Car (Max 4 People) £20.40 £25.40 N/A
Matlock Car (Max 4 People) £22.00 £27.50 N/A
Wirksworth Car (Max 4 People) £32.10 £40.10 N/A
Chesterfield Car (Max 4 People) £33.80 £42.20 N/A
Sheffield Car (Max 4 People) £48.40 £60.50 N/A
Derby Car (Max 4 People) £65.50 £81.80 N/A
Nottingham Car (Max 4 People) £95.00 £118.70 N/A
Buxton Car (Max 4 People) £30.50 £38.00 N/A
Ashbourne Car (Max 4 People) £40.00 £50.00 N/A
Darley Dale Minibus (Max 8 People) N/A £19.10 £25.60
Tideswell Minibus (Max 8 People) N/A £25.40 £34.00
Matlock Minibus (Max 8 People) N/A £27.50 £36.80
Wirksworth Minibus (Max 8 People) N/A £40.10 £53.60
Chesterfield Minibus (Max 8 People) N/A £42.20 £56.40
Sheffield Minibus (Max 8 People) N/A £60.50 £80.80
Derby Minibus (Max 8 People) N/A £81.80 £109.20
Nottingham Minibus (Max 8 People) N/A £118.70 £158.40
Buxton Minibus (Max 8 People) N/A £38.00 £50.70
Ashbourne Minibus (Max 8 People) N/A £40.00 £67.50

Which rates apply?

The rates shown are an indication of the meter rate set by Derbyshire Dales District Council. If unsure, please get in contact with us here.

Journey Start Time 7am-11pm 11pm-7am
Up to 4 people Monday – Saturday Rate 1 Rate 2
Up to 4 people Sunday & Bank Holidays Rate 2 Rate 2
From 5-8 people Monday – Saturday Rate 2 Rate 3
From 5-8 people Sunday & Bank Holidays Rate 3 Rate 3
Quick Contact
Bakewell Taxi Service
13th Century, Five Arched Bridge on the River Wye, Bakewell, Derbyshire