Taxi rates for taxis from Winster can be found below. Taxi rates for saloon cars (carrying up to 4 people) and minibus vehicles (carrying up to 8 people) are different. A surcharge is also charged for journeys out of normal working hours. For more details, please see below.
All rates quoted are indicative and may vary depending on specific pickup and/or drop-off location.
For locations not listed, or to get in touch for any other reason use the quick contact form below or call 01629 650025.
Destination | Vehicle | Rate 1 | Rate 2 | Rate 3 |
Birchover | Car (Max 4 People) | £7.60 | £9.50 | N/A |
Matlock | Car (Max 4 People) | £14.10 | £17.60 | N/A |
Bakewell | Car (Max 4 People) | £17.20 | £21.50 | N/A |
Chatsworth | Car (Max 4 People) | £22.80 | £28.40 | N/A |
Chesterfield | Car (Max 4 People) | £31.40 | £39.20 | N/A |
Derby | Car (Max 4 People) | £50.10 | £62.60 | N/A |
Sheffield | Car (Max 4 People) | £62.80 | £78.50 | N/A |
Nottingham | Car (Max 4 People) | £74.60 | £93.20 | N/A |
Ashbourne | Car (Max 4 People) | £30.40 | £38.00 | N/A |
Buxton | Car (Max 4 People) | £42.40 | £53.00 | N/A |
Birchover | Minibus (Max 8 People) | N/A | £9.50 | £12.80 |
Matlock | Minibus (Max 8 People) | N/A | £17.60 | £23.60 |
Bakewell | Minibus (Max 8 People) | N/A | £21.50 | £28.80 |
Chatsworth | Minibus (Max 8 People) | N/A | £28.40 | £38.00 |
Chesterfield | Minibus (Max 8 People) | N/A | £39.20 | £52.40 |
Derby | Minibus (Max 8 People) | N/A | £62.60 | £83.60 |
Sheffield | Minibus (Max 8 People) | N/A | £78.50 | £104.80 |
Nottingham | Minibus (Max 8 People) | N/A | £93.20 | £124.40 |
Ashbourne | Minibus (Max 8 People) | N/A | £38.00 | £51.75 |
Buxton | Minibus (Max 8 People) | N/A | £53.00 | £70.75 |
The rates shown are an indication of the meter rate set by Derbyshire Dales District Council. If unsure, please get in contact with us here.
Journey Start Time | 7am-11pm | 11pm-7am |
Up to 4 people Monday – Saturday | Rate 1 | Rate 2 |
Up to 4 people Sunday & Bank Holidays | Rate 2 | Rate 2 |
From 5-8 people Monday – Saturday | Rate 2 | Rate 3 |
From 5-8 people Sunday & Bank Holidays | Rate 3 | Rate 3 |